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The Course

Fashion Business & Buying

The perfect balance of key elements for the fashion industry
Semester courses · postgraduate

For individuals wishing to up-skill, change career direction, or undertake a professional study experience on a limited time frame, this five months Fashion Business & Buying course provides knowledge of key business and merchandising strategies, specifically developed for the fashion and luxury industries.


Business professionals in fashion and luxury companies define marketing plans, develop communication strategies, organize promotional events and put all these into action. Fashion buyers are one of the main drivers in the fashion retail industry, a pivotal area in any successful fashion and luxury brand business. At postgraduate level participants will analyse key business cases, and buying and merchandising methods - gaining a grasp of essential management skills - while covering marketing and communication plans, assortment mix, methods of import / export, pricing strategies and the profitability of fashion and luxury products.

Fashion business and buying professionals are multi-skilled individuals, covering strategic roles in the industry; their work spans many areas including communication, branding, management, buying, merchandising and digital marketing to name just a few. With previous undergraduate level training, or relevant work experience, participants evaluate past and present marketing and assortment strategies used by top industry players, in order to make strategic decisions. Research is key in analysing competitor activity, including monitoring the use of different business and merchandising tools, from more traditional methods to omnichannel techniques.

23 Sep 2024
Italian · English  - Fee
Enrollment Fee
Only course fee
Scholarships Firenze October 2024
Virtual Open Day Firenze
Metaverse Revolution

During their course, participants will investigate and develop professional buying skills, with a particular focus on how to satisfy the needs and desires of clients at different market levels; they also analyse the fashion industry supply chain, and the role and responsibilities of retail fashion buyers and merchandisers, as well as contemporary buying, sustainable production methods and innovative sales techniques.   This programme provides the perfect balance between professional buying skills and fashion merchandising techniques in order to understand and achieve profitable objectives, exploring the relationships between buying, trend forecasting, seasonal planning, omnichannel marketing tools and sales. Over their study period, participants will learn key notions useful to develop their own business strategies and gain the necessary skills to develop a career in the industry as fashion buyers and professional merchandising experts.

  • Fashion business marketing and communication
  • Contemporary buying and merchandising
  • Fashion and luxury goods omnichannel strategy
  • Creative research and industry analysis
  • History and future of fashion
  • Brand manager
  • Fashion Buyer
  • Fashion Merchandising manager
  • Retail and distribution manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Product manager
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