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Der Kurs

Fashion Business

Kurzkurse decken eine Vielzahl von Themen, Ebenen und Zeiträume für alle Präferenzen ab und bieten sich als perfekte Schnupper- oder Einführungsprogramme an, wenn die Studierenden eine Vertiefung des Studiums oder eine zukünftige Karriere in Fashion anstreben.


Einige der wichtigen Geschäftspraktiken, die in diesem Kurzkurs behandelt werden, umfassen Positionierung von Modemarken und Kollektionen, Managementfähigkeiten für einen Fashion Business Plan, Analyse des Wettbewerbs, Struktur von Luxusmarken und Vertriebskapazität.
02 Sep. 2024 - 20 Sep. 2024
Italian · English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr
13 Jan. 2025 - 31 Jan. 2025
Italian · English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr


Virtual Open Day Milano Fashion
Metaverse Revolution
Besuchen Sie die Schule · Milano Fashion

Week 1

Participants begin with an analysis of economic and social trends: understanding economic and social evolution and how this influences fashion consumption. The week also includes new markets and how fashion can evolve in them through expansion strategies: new brands, luxury brands and distribution chain stores, as well as style comparison.

Week 2

This week covers an overview of fashion: textiles, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, eyewear and jewelry. Participants will look at critical factors defining the success of some leading Italian brands such as Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, including commercial international distribution chain stores such as Zara and H&M, and sportswear chain stores for example Nike. Product placement via competitor analysis is also explored.

Week 3

The objective of week 3 is to understand and identify the different distribution channels, together with a focus on e-commerce in fashion. Participants look at key marketing practices including product life cycle, function and definition of price points. Integrated communication investigates key notions in brand identity, brand image and brand equity, licensing and the importance of branding. Participants use their knowledge gained in the previous weeks, via a vocational learning approach, to work on an individual marketing plan for a chosen designer or collection.

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Einige der wichtigen Geschäftspraktiken, die in diesem Kurzkurs behandelt werden, umfassen Positionierung von Modemarken und Kollektionen, Managementfähigkeiten für einen Fashion Business Plan, Analyse des Wettbewerbs, Struktur von Luxusmarken und Vertriebskapazität.
08 Juli 2024 - 26 Juli 2024
02 Sep. 2024 - 20 Sep. 2024
Italian · English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr
13 Jan. 2025 - 31 Jan. 2025
Italian · English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr


Virtueller Tag der offenen Tür Florenz
Metaverse Revolution
Besuchen Sie die Schule · Firenze

Week 1

Participants begin with an analysis of economic and social trends: understanding economic and social evolution and how this influences fashion consumption. The week also includes new markets and how fashion can evolve in them through expansion strategies: new brands, luxury brands and distribution chain stores, as well as style comparison.

Week 2

This week covers an overview of fashion: textiles, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, eyewear and jewelry. Participants will look at critical factors defining the success of some leading Italian brands such as Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, including commercial international distribution chain stores such as Zara and H&M, and sportswear chain stores for example Nike. Product placement via competitor analysis is also explored.

Week 3

The objective of week 3 is to understand and identify the different distribution channels, together with a focus on e-commerce in fashion. Participants look at key marketing practices including product life cycle, function and definition of price points. Integrated communication investigates key notions in brand identity, brand image and brand equity, licensing and the importance of branding. Participants use their knowledge gained in the previous weeks, via a vocational learning approach, to work on an individual marketing plan for a chosen designer or collection.

Das könnte Sie interessieren...


Einige der wichtigen Geschäftspraktiken, die in diesem Kurzkurs behandelt werden, umfassen Positionierung von Modemarken und Kollektionen, Managementfähigkeiten für einen Fashion Business Plan, Analyse des Wettbewerbs, Struktur von Luxusmarken und Vertriebskapazität.
02 Sep. 2024 - 20 Sep. 2024
English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr
13 Jan. 2025 - 31 Jan. 2025
English  - Gebühr
Nur Kursgebühr


Virtual Open Day London
Metaverse Revolution
Besuchen Sie die Schule · London

Week 1

Participants begin with an analysis of economic and social trends: understanding economic and social evolution and how this influences fashion consumption. The week also includes new markets and how fashion can evolve in them through expansion strategies: new brands, luxury brands and distribution chain stores, as well as style comparison.

Week 2

This week covers an overview of fashion: textiles, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, eyewear and jewelry. Participants will look at critical factors defining the success of some leading Italian brands such as Prada, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, including commercial international distribution chain stores such as Zara and H&M, and sportswear chain stores for example Nike. Product placement via competitor analysis is also explored.

Week 3

The objective of week 3 is to understand and identify the different distribution channels, together with a focus on e-commerce in fashion. Participants look at key marketing practices including product life cycle, function and definition of price points. Integrated communication investigates key notions in brand identity, brand image and brand equity, licensing and the importance of branding. Participants use their knowledge gained in the previous weeks, via a vocational learning approach, to work on an individual marketing plan for a chosen designer or collection.

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