Der Kurs

Luxury Brand Management und Digital Marketing

Entwicklung und Marketing für Mode- und Luxusmarken
Postgraduale studiengänge
Der Kurs für Luxury Brand Management und Digital Marketing fördert die intellektuellen Fähigkeiten der TeilnehmerInnen durch das Verständnis für Prinzipien und Praktiken im Markenmanagement und die Verbindung zur Mode- und Luxusgüterbranche.


During the program, aspects of economic management, production and omnichannel of a brand are explored. The fashion brand manager is an increasingly sought-after figure within international fashion houses for their ability to work out creative solutions with the purpose of improving the performance of a brand. They have the responsibility to define the style of a collection, identify the price range, the target and the market reference. Beyond checking on the development of new products, they also plan the promotion and sales avenues in collaboration with the design, production and marketing departments of luxury fashion. This course provides the necessary instruments to understand all the phases of the communications process within a fashion company. Through the study of research methodologies of style and the implementation of publicity strategies in omnichannel, participants learn the skills to be able to develop and implement a communication plan. The brand manager operates in the fashion and luxury industry to supervise products, services and experiences for different market levels. They create, deliver and monitor communication strategies, organise campaigns and events for brand exposure on media, while maintaining an active broad social network. The expert fashion brand manager can work in companies, consulting rms, trade associations and for various industries in fashion, luxury and lifestyle and can apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course in the eld of marketing, communication and event planning, brand management, e-commerce and the search for new trends. This course is aimed at candidates who have previous undergraduate study in economics, marketing, fashion design or similar, or proven relevant work experience. Participants will begin by analysing how different organizations in fashion and luxury goods manage their brands and products in order to compete in different market environments. They learn how to evaluate the relationships between branding and corporate strategies, business strategy and the ‘functional’ strategies of an organization. Moving on, participants are introduced to the communication strategies and tactics implemented by different fashion organizations in order to promote products, services, and ‘customer experiences’ at different market levels. Upon successful completion of the programme, the participants will be awarded an Istituto Marangoni Certificate.

01 Sep. 2025 - English - Gebühr




"page" title="Page 9"> "section"> "layoutArea"> Nach Abschluss des Studiums sind die AbsolventInnen in der Lage, Angebot und Nachfrage von Mode- und Luxusmärkten und einzelnen Marken genau zu analysieren, ihre Eigenschaften und Werte zu bestimmen und Methoden anzuwenden, um wichtige Strategien und Unternehmensmarketing für Wettbewerbsvorteile auszuarbeiten. Die erworbenen Kenntnisse sind unerlässlich bei der Ausführung bestehender Jobs oder für eine zukünftige Karriere im Markenmanagement und Marketingbereich in der Mode- und Kreativbranche.
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