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Oct 18, 2023

How do you get contacts in fashion? Say hello to your next fav App

All the new professionals attempting to work in the fashion industry experience the hardship of networking; it is a know-how system, far from being simple and straightforward.

The struggle of finding collaborators is real, so they hire friends and family to avoid the frequently unaffordable agency fees.

Karim El Sabeh faced the same challenge when, as a new designer and photographer, he opened his first brand in Beirut, Lebanon, in 2017.

Istituto Marangoni Paris graduate Karim El Sabeh 

Istituto Marangoni Paris graduate Karim El Sabeh

At Istituto Marangoni Paris, Karim started to delve into the idea of an app that could bridge a gap in the fashion industry market. It took more than a year of attempts, struggles, and failures to develop the project.

The Modeld app created by Karim El Sabeh

The Modeld app created by Karim El Sabeh

Finally, in February 2023, Karim launched his own tech company and the Modeld app—an innovative platform where users like models and brands can interact with ease, safety and inclusivity. Since then, Modeld has been growing its community with an open perspective for the future of high tech.

Imagined by IM alumnus Karim El Sabeh, Modeld is an app connecting brands and models by adding safety, inclusivity and transparency to the modelling industry 

Imagined by IM alumnus Karim El Sabeh, Modeld is an app connecting brands and models by adding safety, inclusivity and transparency to the modelling industry


From Hardship to Successthe Genesis of the Modeled App


Phase1: The road so far…

Modeld app founder Karim El Sabeh 

Modeld app founder Karim El Sabeh

Karim, you are now on your way to being an entrepreneur, but how did it happen?
My entrepreneurship path wasn’t planned in the early years. It unfolded over time through the real-world experiences. At 15, from my first job as PR/Promoter for events in Beirut, I gained insights into business mechanics, laying the groundwork for my entrepreneurial journey. When I founded my first brand, Caps from Heaven, in 2017, as the business shaped, I realised the potential comes with creating something of your own, raising my entrepreneurial aspirations. With the Modeld app, I am still navigating my way of learning by growing.

"At Modeld, our mission is to foster a safe and inclusive environment where models and brands can seamlessly connect,” said founder Karim El Sabeh 

"At Modeld, our mission is to foster a safe and inclusive environment where models and brands can seamlessly connect,” said founder Karim El Sabeh

What role does being a student at Istituto Marangoni play in this journey?
The school played a crucial role in the launch of the Modeld app. I studied Fashion Business because I had a natural inclination towards Marketing/PR. My final year at Istituto Marangoni Paris sparked the idea of a connective platform. 

What was the inspiration to set up the Modeled app?
The inception of the Modeld app was my challenge as a brand owner in Paris to find professional models, particularly during the pandemic. I realised there was a gap in the fashion market that needed to be filled. The Modeld app was initiated as my graduation project, but the more I explored the idea, the more I realised its potential beyond my studies. Throughout 2021 and 2022, I faced many challenges and rejections. However, rather than disheartening me, these setbacks spurred me on, strengthening my resolve to make Modeld a reality.

A platform connecting brands, companies, and professionals directly with models, Modeld eliminates intermediaries for a more efficient, inclusive and safe industry, while democratising access to modeling opportunities

A platform connecting brands, companies and professionals directly with models, Modeld eliminates intermediaries for a more efficient, inclusive and safe industry, while democratising access to modeling opportunities

What have been the most challenging aspects?
I have learned that failures and rejections, which initially took a toll on me and were difficult to accept, could lead to success. I now see challenges as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block.


Phase 2: A transformational journey 

IM graduate Karim El Sabeh believes that modelling is for everyone and his Modeld platform reflects this belief

IM graduate Karim El Sabeh believes that modelling is for everyone and his Modeld platform reflects this belief

Was the path of setting up a fashion brand and a tech company similar or different in your experience?
My experience in setting up a tech company was quite different from launching my fashion brand, Caps from Heaven. Tech is a complex field that requires an in-depth understanding of various aspects such as technology, platform development, artificial intelligence, and product design. The process was significantly more extensive and complicated compared to launching a fashion brand, which mainly revolved around designing products and managing business operations. 

On the one hand, Modeld aims to be a platform for both aspiring models who do not fit into the traditional industry standards and experienced models in various fields. On the other hands, Modeld is for brands and companies that cannot afford top models and agencies, but also for leading brands and companies accross different sectors

On the one hand, Modeld aims to be a platform for both aspiring models who do not fit into the traditional industry standards and experienced models in various fields. On the other hands, Modeld is for brands and companies that cannot afford top models and agencies, but also for leading brands and companies accross different sectors

What about the business models?
They were also quite different. With the fashion label, I was flying solo to express my creativity through design, whereas with Modeld, I built a full team of developers, tech professionals, PR specialists, stylists and community managers to solve a problem faced by thousands of people daily worldwide.

Karim El Sabeh, a graduate of Istituto Marangoni Paris and founder of the Modeld app 

Karim El Sabeh, a graduate of Istituto Marangoni Paris and founder of the Modeld app

How has this entrepreneurial journey shaped your skills?
It is a transformational journey, both personally and professionally. I’ve developed skills and capabilities that extend beyond just managing a business. I learned to value and prioritise time and people over time. It’s also reshaped my approach to life, valuing perseverance, resilience and adaptability. And I’ve learned to align my personal and professional goals, which helps me stay focused and motivated.


Phase 3: Insider tips 

The Modeld app is not limited to the fashion industry and welcomes anyone who wants to explore modelling opportunities

The Modeld app is not limited to the fashion industry and welcomes anyone who wants to explore modelling opportunities

What is your advice to graduate students with entrepreneurship goals?
To be mindful of your supportive social circle, surround yourself with people who share your passion and vision. Then, to prioritise your goals and make necessary sacrifices. Moreover, risk-taking is an inherent part of every entrepreneurial journey. I had to sell almost everything I owned to start Modeld, and the financial strain was immense, but it served as a driving force for me to work relentlessly towards making the venture a success. 

Do mentors play an influential role?
Seeking a mentor can offer guidance based on their own experiences and mistakes, helping you avoid potential pitfalls. I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a formal mentor, but I did have people who offered valuable advice.

Istituto Marangoni Paris alumnus Karim El Sabeh

Istituto Marangoni Paris alumnus Karim El Sabeh

What is the right mindset to be an entrepreneur?
A mindset of resilience, determination, and constant learning. Regardless of the obstacles you face, remember to stay focused, stay patient, and keep moving forward. 

The Modeld app created by Karim El Sabeh

The Modeld app created by Karim El Sabeh



Charlotte Valkeniers
Industry Relationship and Careers Service Manager