The Course

Digital Design for Immersive Experiences

Bridging physical and digital worlds and leveraging the power of immersive installations.
Master's Degrees · Master's Courses · Master of Arts

The Master programme in Digital Design for Immersive Experiences aims to train a new professional figure, expert in interactive technologies and tools to create memorable, multisensory “phygital” experiences for the corporate world, as well as the entertainment industry, the retail sector and the communication of cultural assets (all-digital museums, exhibitions).



Participants will be encouraged in embracing both a strategic and creative perspective on the manifold applications of XR, to conceive immersive sensorial installations enhanced by multimedia generative content, digital art displays, projection mapping of paintings, lights, animated graphics and music.

In a changing technological landscape, dominated by the new media disruption and the virtualization of everything, three core aspects of design are more and more converging: the mind-blowing creative opportunities brought by immersive technologies (such as Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Videogames), the need to enhance human perception and the connection between physical environments and digital worlds.

22 Sep 2025 - Italian · English - Fee

Enrollment Fee
Fee EU
Fee non EU

Virtual Open Day Milano Design


Design contest in partnership with AD


Scholarship for Autumn 2025



The programme aims to train students in the use of multimodal types of digital interaction in immersive environments, applied to retail design, advanced branded experiences, the communication of cultural assets (all-digital museums, pop-up exhibitions, virtual galleries) and for the event industry at large. From fashion to retail, from entertainment to cultural events, there are in fact apparent signs that we are getting closer to a tipping point with immersive technology.

In the field of interaction design, we are witnessing a progressive transition from traditional digital platforms (UX for web, app, mobile) to the new frontier of extended reality (XR) - a blanket term that encompasses VR, AR, and mixed reality (MR); an extensive knowledge of XR, which is fostering the introduction of entirely new digital experiences that go far beyond what we’ve so far envisioned, will be covered throughout the programme.

With a view to the advent of the Metaverse, meant as the upcoming evolution of Internet, this course also provides a deep understanding of the mind-blowing creative opportunities brought by emerging technologies in order to increase students’ capability to rethink brand experiences and spaces while maximizing user engagement through the use of motion sensors, interactive technologies such as projection-mapping and digitally enhanced audio-reactive installations.

Taking inspiration from scenography and artistic installations, participants enrolled in this master programme will be taught on how to set an environment, turning it into a scenario for a social-media friendly immersive experience, and choose the most suitable interaction method. They will also be able to identify the strategic goals of an experience, consistently conceiving a narrative that triggers emotional and sensorial curiosity and motivates users to deep dive in the immersive experience.


  • Design for immersive and social-media friendly installations
  • Interaction Design
  • Multimedia generative design
  • Phygital retail
  • Audio reactive environments
  • XR technologies and new creative opportunities


  • Digital interaction studios
  • Content Production companies
  • Retail design and advanced shopping experiences
  • Cultural institutions
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