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The Course

Digital Art Direction

Master the art of digital communication
Master's Degrees · Master's Courses · Master of Arts
These full time postgraduate level courses are specialised programmes that support participants’ careers the design industries. They are designed for those who have already acquired specific skills in the appropriate area at undergraduate level, or for industry professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge of a specific subject area in design.


The aim of the Master in Digital Art Direction is to train a new professional figure: the so called “nexter”. A Nexter is both a digital art director and a communication strategist, capable of conceiving and managing relevant integrated communication projects.  Experts of design for digital communication, by mind set, familiarity with new media, emerging technologies and latest trends, nexters represent a virtuous connection between the world of communication, adv and branding and that of agencies specialized in the use of digital media. The Master in Digital Art Direction is developed with the collaboration of M&C Saatchi.

22 Sep 2025
Italian · English  - Fee
Enrollment Fee
Fee EU
Fee non EU



Participants who successfully complete this programme will be awarded with a Master Degree. Recognised by MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)   participants will obtain 60 CFA (crediti formativi accademici) equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.

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The Nexter is a professional figure who combines the creative skills of a digital art director, familiarity with the main communication techniques and the ability to conceive strategic thinking, making mastery of the visual component his strength. Advertising spots, communication campaigns, proper management of social profiles, organization of events, production of branded contents, phygital activations and multimedia installations capable of generating engagement and virtuous word of mouth: the students enrolled in the master will learn how to manage integrated communication strategies  for renowned top brands from the fashion and design industries, maintaining underlying consistency across a multiplicity of different touch-points. Expression of individual creativity and design thinking, multidisciplinary experimentation and a “hands on” approach supported by the best professionals in the sector will be encouraged; through the analysis of emerging trends redefining both aesthetics and our contemporary imageries and the identification of meaningful consumer insights, participants will learn how to manage the many elements that set up a communication campaign or inform a branding strategy. Participants will learn how to tap the creative opportunities brought by emerging technologies and new media (augmented reality, virtual reality, video games and metaverses, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, NFTs, etc.). The teaching of the Master in Digital Art Direction is provided through various formulas: (classroom lectures, workshops at McCann spaces, seminars and masterclasses with authoritative exponents of the panorama of advertising, digital communication and visual arts, on-site or virtual visits to creative studios, communication agencies, exhibitions) and is further enriched with a final dissertation and an internship experience.

  • Digital Art Direction
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Social Media Management
  • Integrated communication and strategy

The master in Digital Art Direction is aimed at graduates or undergraduates who have already acquired experience in the field of communication, characterized by a distinctly creative forma mentis and with a strong predisposition towards the use of digital media. Once the specialization path is finished, they can be inserted in the following areas:

  • Advertising
  • Web Agency
  • Branding and Corporate world
  • Entertainment and event industry
  • Digital communication
  • Publishing
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