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The Course

Jewellery Design Semester

Combine tradition and innovation with creativity and style
Semester courses · undergraduate

The jewellery designer is a professional able to conceive and design a jewellery piece in a structurally correct manner, with an aesthetic language capable of intercepting contemporary trends. This semester programme provides a broad education into cultural, creative, and industry contexts along with relevant skills needed to use a range of manual as well as digital tools, and techniques to create an original jewellery piece at a professional standard.


The semester course in Jewellery Design aims to provide students with a methodological basis and the foundation of technical and cultural knowledge, to initiate them to the profession of jewellery designer. Throughout the course, students learn how to combine technical skills with creative contents so as to define an original jewellery piece that links tradition with contemporary trends.

Participants also acquire the correct process to design a jewellery piece through the phases of inspirational research, concept elaboration, and product development. Additionally, they gain the ability to identify the proper materials based on their metallurgic and aesthetic properties, and to shape them into a structurally and functionally correct manner.

Students have the opportunity to learn essential technical drawing abilities and acquire the notions needed for the structural construction of the jewelry piece as well as methods for free-hand sketching; they develop their own expressive ability, to draw their design ideas and present them effectively.

Students also gain knowledge of the foundations of jewellery history and culture: they are provided with an in-depth knowledge of goldsmith techniques and production processes, also benefiting from a first-hand experience in a real goldsmith laboratory.

24 Feb 2025
Italian · English  - Fee
Enrollment Fee
Only course fee
22 Sep 2025
Italian · English  - Fee
Enrollment Fee
Only course fee

Programme Specification

Virtual Open Day Milano Design
Design contest in partnership with AD
Scholarship for Autumn 2025
  • Jewellery History and Culture
  • Jewellery Design Methods
  • Technical Drawing
  • Hand Drawing
  • Goldsmith Techniques
  • Jewellery Designer
  • Goldsmith Designer
  • Creative Designer for Jewellery Brands
  • Trends researcher for Jewellery Brands
  • Product Communicator for Jewellery Brands
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