The Course

Digital Fine Art

Explore the new horizon of fine art
One year courses · Intensive Training

This intensive course dedicated to the relationship between Art and New Technologies provides creative, technical, and critical skills related to the two core sides of Art: its production and experience. Training the creative practitioners of the future, this course leads participants to investigate the complexity of the digital fine art system, exploring different languages, styles, and aesthetics.


Working on a limited time frame, this intensive course focuses on fine art from a specific point of view: it’s relationship with New Technologies. The programme aims to support participants to investigate a broad range of experimental art practices and media - including digital illustration, 3D sculpting, moving images, photography, and sound. Offering an environment where social, cultural, and artistic viewpoints are negotiated, the course also leads to a deep understanding of the art system and business. Questioning curatorial practices, participants will explore possibilities offered to the viewer for an interactive and immersive experience.

23 Sep 2024 - Italian · English - Fee

Enrollment Fee
Fee EU
Fee non EU

Programme Specification

Scholarships Firenze October 2024


Virtual Open Day Firenze


Metaverse Revolution


Learning focus

  • Photography
  • Audiovisual Languages
  • Digital Illustration
  • Contemporary Art History
  • Art Business
  • Curatorial Practice
  • Sound Design
  • 3D Design

Career opportunities

  • Multimedia Artist
  • Photographer
  • Curator
  • Art Critic
  • Art Consultant
  • Cultural Manager
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