The Course

Arts Curating Semester

Semester courses · undergraduate
Aimed at students with at least oneyear previous study in their selected area, study abroad semesters (5 – 6 months) offer participants a chance gain invaluable insights into European style and lifestyle, cultural influences, trends, contemporary issues as well as the impact of luxury companies and brands, and creative and contemporary issues in art.


Discover the multitude of art practices, contemporary art sources, and ‘business’ activity within the arts industry. On this semester course participants explore the language and meaning of art, learning ways to articulate their ideas and communicate their findings to a knowledgeable art audience, or to the general public. Aimed at students with at least one-year previous undergraduate study in art history, art & design, or similar field, this inspiring short course develops skills in creative research and analysis of visual materials including art, sculpture, contemporary objects and images, through critical awareness, creative thinking, and effective written communication skills including, publishing, art writing and journalism.  

23 Sep 2024 - Italian · English - Fee

Enrollment Fee
Only course fee

24 Feb 2025 - Italian · English - Fee

Enrollment Fee
Only course fee

Programme Specification

Scholarships Firenze October 2024


Virtual Open Day Firenze


Metaverse Revolution


Learning focus Semester 1 · autumn start

  • History of Cinema & Visual Art
  • Art History Criticism
  • Bibliography & Biblioteconomy
  • Publishing System
  • Theories of Visual Languages

Learning focus Semester 2 · spring start

  • Graphic Design for Publishing
  • Art Writing
  • Art Journalism
  • Multimedia Publishing
  • IT Tools
  • History of Contemporary Art
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