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11 Juni 2020
Paolo Roversi has started to work as a reporter in Paris, but little by little, through his friends, he began to approach fashion photography. At that moment he didn’t know much about fashion or fashion photography. Only later, the British photographer Lawrence Sackmann took Paolo on as his assistant. «Sackmann was very difficult, but he taught me everything I needed to know in order to become a professional photographer. He always used to say ‘your tripod and your camera must be well-fixed but your eyes and mind should be free’”. In 1980, he started using the 8 x 10” Polaroid format that would become his trademark. Since the middle 80’ his work has been shown in many exhibitions and book. Today Roversi has a regular collaboration with the most important fashion magazines and fashion designers. During the conversation, part of Enhancing The Future project, Mr Roversi explained that in his works he always find a way to express himself, taking inspiration from every aspect of everyday life, such as nature, streets, cinema, music, to infuse emotions to the viewer, always using the heart, letting the imagination run wild. Concerning the Covid emergency, he talked about the special project he shot during the quarantine, and how this crisis could have a positive impact on the fashion world, especially regarding creativity and environmental issues.
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