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orientation office opens in florence


orientation office opens in florence

14 Februar 2016
Choosing the most appropriate study programme proves a difficult task for many students. That's why Istituto Marangoni helps them to find their future path by the means of a personalized and strictly confidential orientation service. Available on site or via Skype video call, the service offers detailed information on the school's complete array of fashion, art, and design courses. In anticipation of the next opening, in October 2016, of a new Istituto Marangoni in Florence, an Orientation Office in the heart of the city, at 2, via Strozzi, was recently inaugurated. To book an orientation interview with a specialist (whether via Skype or at the new Florence office) an online form is available.

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Istituto Marangoni Orientation Office 2, via degli Strozzi – Florence 50123
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