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Milano Design Week


Milano Design Week

14 April 2019
The Salone del Mobile, or “Design Week,” which is held every April, is without doubt the main event on the international design calendar. And Istituto Marangoni is very proud of the fact that it takes place in Milan, the city that has been the home and headquarters ever since Istituto Marangoni was founded back in 1935. Istituto Marangoni is in fact older than the Salone, which began life in 1961 and celebrated its 58th edition this year. Having a strong relationship with the Salone is what they call a “no-brainer” and, naturally, it was an honour to work together again this year. The Salone is actually divided into two parts. The main “Salone Internazionale del Mobile” (International Furniture Fair) is now held at the massive Rho fair and exhibition centre on the western outskirts of the city. Since the 1980s, however, it has been accompanied by the “Fuorisalone” (literally, the “Off” or “Fringe Fair”), a series of events in which assorted areas of Milan come to life as they provide the backdrop for a splendid showcase of the latest developments in every type of design. As in previous editions, Istituto Marangoni and its students, past and present, were active in both versions of this massive international celebration of creativity. At the Rho fairground students and Alumni were involved in three projects. Malika Novi, a Russian designer who completed the Italian Product and Furniture Design Master’s Course, presented her Danse coffee tables, which were inspired by the movements of dance. Yuetong Shi, a Visual Design graduate who was originally from China, on the other hand, showcased her visual identity project “Viusic”. There was also a special Istituto Marangoni stand at the Salone Satellite. Here 10 students who worked on the Prisma Project under the leadership of Sergio Nava presented their proposals for enamel and ceramic interior design. Ceramics were also much in evidence in the events powered by Istituto Marangoni Milano Design throughout the city in the Fuorisalone. Here students and Alumni worked with companies like Lea Ceramiche and Ceramica Flaminia. Ceramics, like all aspects of design, face a fascinating future, thanks to such technological innovations as 3D printing. The Design school in Via Cerva hosted the “Istitituto Marangoni Design Experience.” This project was run by Brand Ambassador, Giulio Cappellini, whose company showcased work by students of Master’s programmes. They created lamps for Cappellini’s  “Outdoor Collection.” The beginning of an incredible partnership has been signed by the announcement of Istituto Marangoni being the educational partner for Rossana Orlandi’s “Guiltless Plastic” project.  Rossana Orlandi, a leading gallery owner, internationally recognised expert and Istituto Marangoni graduate, invited designers from around the world to come up with creative solutions for recycled plastic. This certainly caught the attention of critics, in addition to highlighting one of the key themes of this year’s Salone: sustainability. It would appear that humanity is finally beginning to understand that the planet’s resources are finite and that, if it is to nurture life for future generations, we can’t afford to forget that. As we endeavour to move towards a circular economy in which nothing is wasted, designers in every field must lead the way.
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