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istituto marangoni paris teams up with hec


istituto marangoni paris teams up with hec

01 Februar 2016
Istituto Marangoni The Paris School of Fashion teamed up with HEC Paris, the leading business school, in 'The Great Escape', a fashion show held on Monday, February 1, at the HEC campus at Jouy-en-Josas as part of the annual gathering organized by the HEC Luxury Association since 2013. Students from three classes of the Fashion Business first year course worked together with those from HEC Luxury, taking joint responsibility for all aspects of the project - from its communication to the show animation, rhythm, schedule, etc. - which presented 66 looks created by the Fashion Design 2015 graduates. The show was followed by a cocktail reception, private sales, a fashion photography exhibition, and a conference on the segmentation of the luxury market hosted by OC&C Strategy Consultants. Reaching its third consecutive year, the lasting partnership between Istituto Marangoni Paris and HEC aims to put students of both institutions through concrete initiatives and challenging professional experiences related to the luxury market.
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