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Istituto Marangoni Faculty Training


Istituto Marangoni Faculty Training

Your chance for an international teaching opportunity
05 Oktober 2018
Istituto Marangoni offers an exciting international career opportunity for its alumni from all over the world. In order to qualify, candidates are requested to have at least 3 years industry experience in the field of fashion/art/design, and a strong interest in becoming the new generation of qualified Istituto Marangoni teachers through IMFT (Istituto Marangoni Faculty Training). IMFT is a one-week course (5 days, Monday to Friday), free of charge to IM Alumni that will enable the super-selected attendees to start, alongside their profession, a part-time academic career within Istituto Marangoni schools. The best participants will be given the opportunity as a teaching assistant to shadow an experienced tutor for 1-month, in the school where they have chosen to do the IMFT course. The career prospects will see the young teachers bringing their personal and unique fashion/art/design experience to influence their teaching within the Istituto Marangoni schools in Europe, also poised to be pioneer teachers for Istituto Marangoni in the future school openings around the world, with the delicate and exciting task of forming the future professionals in those fields. If you are passionate about the subjects of fashion, design and art with a desire to communicate your skills and know-how to the next generation you can potentially be our ‘perfect’ future teacher. New editions of the IMFT Course will be scheduled for 2019: for any inquiry, please write to  
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