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imic indonesia


imic indonesia

01 März 2014
Istituto Marangoni is happy to announce the opening of the new Istituto Marangoni Information centre, IMIC, in Indonesia in the city of Jakarta. Istituto Marangoni recognises the value of the partnership with the agencyAtlas, which from March 2014 will represent it exclusively in Indonesian territory. Thanks to this collaboration the school is consolidating its presence in Indonesia, a strategic area in the search for new talent in fashion and design. The new IMIC will be an important reference point for all Indonesian students interested in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the three European capitals of fashion. Thanks to its historic partnership with Istituto Marangoni, Atlas will be able to advise on everything from choosing the most appropriate course to the final stage of registration.   contact imic tel : +6221 29888230 e-mail: address: DBS Bank Building,28th Fl. Ciputra World One. Jln. Prof Dr. Satiro Kav 3-5 Jakarta 12490
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