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mario trimarchi · “draw to figure things out”


mario trimarchi · “draw to figure things out”

٢٤ فبراير ٢٠١٥
Mario Trimarchi will open the series of seminars of Istituto Marangoni The School of Design for the year 2015. With a lecture entitled "Draw to figure things out", the Sicilian Designer will carry out his reflection on unstable geometries and the narrative power of objects, towards the definition of visual alphabets in support of corporate identity. Case Histories as those of passionate professionals as Mario Trimarchi, generate opportunities of dialogue and professional growth for Istituto Marangoni aspiring designers, as well as they offer a close-up look at the secrets behind the success of industry gurus. Architect, designer, and co-founder, in 1999, of the famous Milanese studio FRAGILE, with the lecture "Draw to figure things out," Trimarchi will explain his career path towards the exploration of the different areas of application of Design, from architecture to product up to graphics and corporate identity. "I started drawing a long time ago, to fix on a sheet of white paper architectures and objects, as well as stories of distant graphics, and the stories of people and companies. Now it seems to me that the white sheet contains a single, endless, mysterious design, " said architect Trimarchi, symbol of professional creativity and vitality, who will be a great inspirational example for the international audience of students and design enthusiasts ready to pack the school. Milano School of Design February 24th, 2015 · at 5:30pm Via Cerva 24 · Milano If you are interested, RSVP design@istitutomarangoni.com
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