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london careers’ week


london careers’ week

٠٩ فبراير ٢٠١٥
The London School of Fashion has launched the highly anticipated Careers’ Week on February 9th, 2015. With a focus on a range of issues related to fashion business, design, styling and brand luxury management, this event provides an occasion for participants to get a glimpse of the job opportunities and requirements within the current fashion industry. For an insight into how best to approach companies or for getting advice on how to find a job after graduation, Istituto Marangoni Careers’ Week is an interactive, perceptive initiative which helps participants clarify their doubts on present and future market trends and draw inspiration from success stories and testimonials by industry experts. With three seminars per day during a week, Istituto Marangoni London Careers’ Week will host HR representatives from companies of the likes of Net-a-Porter, BBC, Dior, Bicester Village, TK Maxx, Karen Millen and L.K. Bennett. Moreover, attendants will receive first hand information from alumni graduated from Istituto Marangoni Schools who will share all the successful experience.
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يوم افتراضي مفتوح لندن· تصميم
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ترحب مدرسة لندن ببيانكا سوندرز كأحدث مرشدة
انضمام صاحبة رؤية الموضة إلى العديد من المرشدين المرموقين في معهد مارانجوني
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