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Design, Expanded

IM Dubai Talk with Giulio Cappellini and Gisella Borioli
٠٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢ - ١٨.٠٠ Dubai Time
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Design, Expanded

IM Dubai Talk with Giulio Cappellini and Gisella Borioli
NFTs, AI and Mixed Reality are disrupting the design landscape and expanding the traditional ideas of interior, product and visual design, therefore providing creative minds with mind-blowing opportunities and ushering in a new frontier of multidisciplinary experimentation: the metaverse. Join this IM Dubai talk to discover the state of the art of this digital transition and discuss related implications, new aesthetic languages and job opportunities for young designers stemming from this emerging scenario.
The talk will be held at Istituto Marangoni Dubai - Gate Village 8, Level 4, DIFC • Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, U.A.E.

Register now

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