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best italian school of fashion for ceoworld


best italian school of fashion for ceoworld

٠٨ يونيو ٢٠١٦
CeoWorld Magazine, the leading business and technology media for high-level executives around the world, has published its 2016 Best Fashion School rankings. Istituto Marangoni gained the 8th place, the first among all Italian schools. The survey, conducted to find the world's best institutions according to the learning experience offered to students, the influence they enjoy within the fashion world, and the actual value of their training, shortlisted 100 top fashion institutes from among more than 300 candidates. The excellent result comes as a further confirmation of Istituto Marangoni's pre-eminent standing in the competitive market of fashion education, as well as the effectiveness of its distinctive educational method. For the complete 2016 Best Fashion School rankings, click here.
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