aldo fallai retrospective exhibition
Coinciding with the start of the 85th edition of Pitti Uomo is the inauguration of the retrospective exhibition of the photographer Aldo Fallai: “Aldo Fallai. From Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance. Photographs 1978-2013”.
The photographs shown above allow the visitor to discover Italian fashion at its most beautiful and innovative: Italian fashion as it was in the eighties, when Giorgio Armani showed the world an elegant and vaguely androgynous woman and a man with a refined look, sometimes outrageous, sometimes narcissistic.
Aldo Fallai conquered the fashion world at the end of the seventies mainly thanks to his collaborations with Giorgio Armani, Versace, Coveri, Ferre, Krizia and Valentino, with whom he helped enhance the story of Made in Italy.
He recently collaborated with Istituto Marangoni, school of excellence in professional training in fashion and design, with the project “Bravo Portraits”. The exhibition is structured as a series of 60 photographic portraits of students of fashion and design in Milan, Paris, London and Shanghai.
Istituto Marangoni has involved Aldo Fallai in a number of projects and he has worked on the exhibition just opened in Florence, contributing pictures of the students.
Exhibition “Aldo Fallai. From Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance. Photographs 1978-2013”.
From January 10th to March 16th, 2014
Villa Bardini and Stefano Bardini Museum · Florence
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