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A Special Project with Hogan and Fay for Fondazione Francesca Rava


A Special Project with Hogan and Fay for Fondazione Francesca Rava

٢١ يونيو ٢٠١٧
Within Pitti Immagine Bimbo, Hogan Junior and Fay Junior, in partnership with Istituto Marangoni, presented a charity project supporting Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. Italia Onlus. Fondazione Francesca Rava represents N.P.H. in Italy. The charitable organization has been looking over orphans and abandoned children for more than 60 years through an education programme. Moving from Aristotle’s sentence “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”, Istituto Marangoni’s students, through a didactical project with Hogan and Fay, created a series of artworks, six of which were selected for a limited edition collection of t-shirts. The t-shirts are on sale in Fay’s and Hogan’s boutiques in Italy and on hogan.com and fay.com since June 23. All profits will be donated to charity, in support of Fondazione Francesca Rava’s “Street Schools” project in Haiti. Martina Colombari, Fondazione Francesca Rava’s ambassador, was the guest of honor of the event held in Florence last June 21.
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