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new fashion chair role


new fashion chair role

01 février 2015
Giovanna Tabucchi takes up the new role of Fashion Chair at Istituto Marangoni starting last November. With the ultimate goal of coordinating activities leading up to the fashion shows in preparation over the coming months, Giovanna will assist local tutors and Programme Leaders during the development of the collections of our students, bringing her vision and her know-how on Made in Italy also to the non-Italian campuses. In view of the 80th Anniversary from the establishment of our School of Fashion and the numerous initiatives related to the event, in the city of Milano, Giovanna Tabucchi will be committed to negotiating and improving the final works of third year fashion design participants. A long standing professional experience with our School, excellent management skills, and an innovative vision of the aesthetic values that go with the evolution of the Italian fashion system, as a Fashion Chair Giovanna Tabucchi will define a Group method of work for the fashion show project - a moment of considerable visibility among our Partners and Industry Experts - also carrying out coaching activities during the fitting and outfits selection phases.
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