Milan, 7 April 2020
Dear Student,
We want to congratulate you for the daily involvement and enthusiasm you show in following the courses, keeping the attendance of online lessons high.
For a month now all our activities have been carried out in e-learning. Your participation is for us a testimony of how strong the community of Istituto Marangoni is in such a complex and difficult moment.
We all wish to return to fill classrooms and laboratories, however, the reopening of the Italian schools remains suspended to date, pending the final dispositions of the competent authorities which we hope will arrive as soon as possible.
Current indicators consider the possibility of opening schools and universities for the month of May.
We are confident that we will reach the end of this school year together successfully.
Looking forward to meeting you soon at school, at the moment, we continue to see you in our virtual classrooms with Programme Leaders and tutors.
The Direction
Are you interested in one of the courses?