D&AD Award
Visual Design student Avanti Talwar makes it to the D&AD New Blood Awards as one of the 10 winners in her category, thanks to the imaginative curricular project developed on Bacardí’s #DoWhatMovesYou campaign brief. All New Blood Pencil winners get a guaranteed place in the D&AD Annual, an invite to the New Blood Awards Ceremony, a Pencil per team, and the chance to apply for the New Blood Academy. Pencil winners also get to apply for exclusive scholarship and funding opportunities.
To date, the members of the British Design & Art Direction represent the creative, design and advertising communities worldwide. Their efforts and initiatives are dedicated to Advertising and Design Schools all over the world with an aim to fostering and rewarding creative excellence. This is also achieved through a busy awards programme for young talents, within which the D&AD New Blood chubby pencils are surely among the most coveted.
As part of the #DoWhatMovesYou ad campaign, Bacardí has set forth an inspiring brief, inviting applicants to come up with ideas for a physical activation or experience, targeted to young people aged 18 to 24, capable of making Bacardí synonymous with the best moments of summer.
Blocked Party, the curricular project which Avanti Talwar has developed as part of her Visual Design course in Milano, pivots on Bacardí’s culture of music, togetherness and true liberation. The Blocked Party is an event designed for young people who don’t get the chance to attend music festivals so frequently. It involves taking over an entire neighborhood block and having the audience go from house to house to experience different types of music and parties. All this will be promptly shared on social media, so that anyone can experience the happening over and over again. This is what we call reaching the audience directly and creating one idea into one sensational summer moment.
Blocked Party will get its chance to win a D&AD pencil next July 11th at the D&AD New Blood Ceremony in London.
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