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Nov 28, 2023

Happy 1st Birthday, ChatGPT!

In the ever-evolving world of tech, ChatGPT is the cool kid on the block, changing the game in how we soak up knowledge.

When Google and Siri don't get it, ChatGPT just vibes

When Google and Siri don't get it, ChatGPT just vibes

Move over, Google and Wikipedia – there’s a new conversation in town. This article dives into the groovy impact of ChatGPT and its buddies, shaking up the way we vibe with information in the digital era.


ChatGPT: your new BFF in conversations

What makes ChatGPT stand out is its knack for having real, down-to-earth conversations. Unlike old-school search engines that sometimes leave you more confused than enlightened, ChatGPT strings together information in a way that just clicks. It’s like having a chat with your smart friend who always knows what’s up. This chatting style takes information hunting to a whole new level, making it feel less like a search and more like a cosy conversation.


Google and Wikipedia meet the future

Sure, Google and Wikipedia have been our go-to info hubs, but ChatGPT flips the script.

Ditching the old for something new, engaging, and surprisingly informative! 😎 #ChatGPTVibes

Ditching the old for something new, engaging, and surprisingly informative! 😎 #ChatGPTVibes

Instead of being stuck with keywords, you can now dive into dynamic conversations, ask follow-up questions, and really get into the nitty-gritty. It’s not just about finding answers; it’s about exploring, learning, and expanding your knowledge on the fly. ChatGPT is the upgrade we didn’t know we needed.


Everyday magic: Predictive systems and voice sidekicks 

But wait, there’s more! ChatGPT’s influence isn’t just limited to typing away on a keyboard. It’s the secret sauce behind your voice assistants like Siri and the magic that suggests your next binge-worthy show on Netflix.

The Knowledge Journey Map represents the user's journey with ChatGPT. It starts with a traditional search engine icon, leading to winding roads and paths symbolising different conversation threads with ChatGPT. Landmarks along the way, such as Siri's microphone or Netflix's play button, showcase the broader impact of ChatGPT in daily tech interactions

The Knowledge Journey Map represents the user's journey with ChatGPT. It starts with a traditional search engine icon, leading to winding roads and paths symbolising different conversation threads with ChatGPT. Landmarks along the way, such as Siri's microphone or Netflix's play button, showcase the broader impact of ChatGPT in daily tech interactions

These tech wizards follow the ChatGPT playbook, making your daily routine smoother and more fun. Talking to your devices and having them predict your needs is like living in a sci-fi movie, but cooler.


No turning back – embracing the tech wave

ChatGPT isn’t just a passing trend; it’s the DJ at the party that everyone wants to dance to. Its smarts, combined with the user-friendly vibe, make it the VIP of the tech world. Trying to go back to the pre-ChatGPT days is like pretending smartphones don’t exist – it’s just not happening. We’ve embraced a new way of connecting with knowledge, and there’s no turning back.

In the grand finale, ChatGPT is the rockstar that’s turned up the volume on how we absorb knowledge. Its chill conversations, paired with the rise of voice assistants and predictive tech, have given us a front-row seat to the future. This isn’t just a phase; it’s a permanent shift in how we groove with information. As we ride this wave of advanced AI, it’s clear that ChatGPT has set the stage for what’s next, shaping our approach to knowledge in the raddest way possible in the digital age.


Thanks for reading! Here’s this article’s backstory

The above article has been generated by the AI-powered assistant ChatGPT 4, prompted by our AI editor Gaia Giordani, without any editing of the final outcome. The purpose of the experiment was to challenge the tool and prove that, in 2023, it is possible to get sense out out of text-to-text generative AI, as long as the machine is precisely prompted and facts are carefully checked.

Until one year minus one day ago (OpenAI released an early demo of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, ed.), only a few had access to this kind of sorcery, based on neural net building, machine learning, LLMs, GAN training and so much more. Think of it as a galaxy expanding in a never-ending universe. It’s a turning point and a shift of focus from human content creation to peer review of something generated by something that is not alive and not carbon-based. 

The prompt used to achieve this result is: “Hello! I need help writing an article about how ChatGPT has forever changed our approach to knowledge and understanding, much more than Wikipedia or Google. The article should also mention assistants and predictive systems that we use every day, from Siri to Netflix. This concept will, however, remain relevant for all future models leveraging its technology, making it impossible to return to previous methods. Can you write a 500-word article for me, using an academic yet friendly tone of voice?”

And that's not all. Even the illustrations and captions in this article were created following ChatGPT's suggestions and instructions. How did this happen? Istituto Marangoni alumna and graphic designer Constanza Coscia, who does much of the creative work behind Maze35, had a conversation with the AI system that started with this prompt: “I am making some graphics for an article on ChatGPT. I have to think of a cover image for the article and also some graphics to embed in this piece (could be collages, memes, illustrations, anything that breaks up the text and adds something visual). Can you give me ideas for the cover and text illustrations?”



Gaia Giordani
Generative AI explorer and New Media Communication expert