The Mentorship Programme is the flagship project of Istituto Marangoni Milano.
It offers the students unique opportunities for growth and visibility, working closely with
industry professionals for advice and insights.
Lorenzo Capannari, CEO & Co-founder @AnotheReality, will be mentoring students from the
Master’s course of Digital Art Direction, providing them with valuable insights and pieces of
advice useful for their future careers in the Design Industry.
Students will be challenged to enhance their creativity, technical skills, and strategic abilities
through a brief which will be launched at the kick off of the project.
Nerd since the age of 8, classical studies, after a degree with honors in business
administration he starts an international career with a long experience in Luxottica. After
trying the Google Glasses, Lorenzo senses that the future of eyewear is in technology, and
at the end of 2015 he co-founds as CEO AnotheReality, an innovation company focused on
Metaverse technologies consulting and development. Capannari is also TEDx speaker, author of the book Futuri Possibili published in Italy by Giunti, and collaborator of Istituto
Marangoni and SDA Bocconi.