The Course

Global Fashion

Exploring Fashion Design, Business & Style
One year courses · Intensive Training
These programmes provide a thorough knowledge of the technical and theoretical concepts related to fashion meeting the needs of those with limited time available, or for participants that have either little or no prior experience.


This one-year course provides participants with the necessary skills, practical ability and knowledge in the most important disciplines in fashion, namely Fashion Design, Fashion Business and Fashion Styling, delivering an exciting 360-degree vision into the world of fashion. Via a global ‘full immersion’ approach to the subject, this dynamic course offers a chance to engage in the industry from both a creative and business perspective. Particular attention is dedicated to key skills such as fashion design and collection development, fashion styling and creative direction, and fashion business and marketing strategies.  The overall aim of the course is to introduce participants to a future career in fashion, or as preparation for further study in the field. Participants are introduced to fashion design through hands-on tasks and projects such as fashion illustration and basic garment construction, putting together and designing a basic collection. Meanwhile in fashion business the course introduces key notions in marketing, in basic finance, in brand management and in digital strategy for social media and e-commerce. As well as contemporary visual communication techniques covering digital media channels, the role of fashion styling takes a look into the exciting world of photo-shoots, and of different and innovative ways in presenting and editing digital fashion images. The course moves through a broad overview to the fashion system and industry, including the history of fashion and contemporary aesthetics and culture. Furthermore participants gain a solid foundation in Istituto Marangoni training methods in multiple subjects, and experience the intensive learning approach set at undergraduate level, overarching various academic tasks including presentation skills and research methodology. In order for participants to reach the necessary levels of skill and academic rigour required in higher education, the course also aims to enhance critical and independent thinking, and ultimately, help them identify where their true passion lies. Attention is given to linking these important ‘pillars’ of the fashion industry; design, business and styling, and to understanding and developing the principle characteristics of academic study. The objective of the course is to develop an individual approach to creative expression and conceptual thinking, with participants creating their ‘own brand and fashion aesthetic’, finishing with a broad and individual portfolio of work in key fashion disciplines.

29 Sep 2025 - English - Fee

Enrollment Fee
Only course fee

Programme Specification

Visit the School · Paris


Open Day Paris


Scholarship for Autumn 2025



  • Analyses of key disciplines covering fashion industry
  • Fashion illustration and collection design
  • Cut and construction
  • Visual communication
  • Styling development and analysis
  • Research methodology
  • Marketing communication channels
  • Digital marketing & new media
  • Principles of business and management in fashion
  • Fashion PR, promotion and advertising
  • The history of fashion & contemporary culture

Combined programme

Global Fashion Course + Three Year Courses *  ***+ BA Hons Degree ** For students who choose combined programmes, 2,500€ will be deducted from the tuition fee for the first year of the three-year programme selected from the 2021- 22 didactic offer and subsequent pricing scale. This is on the condition that the student pays the enrolment fee no later than 15 June 2021 for those who enrolled in February 2021. If they pay after these periods, no deduction from the tuition fee will be applicable * Students who successfully complete the programmes taught in Milano and Firenze will be awarded an Istituto Marangoni Certificate. *** Participants who successfully complete one of the following three-year ‘RNCP’ courses taught in Paris will receive the corresponding title of: Fashion Design course – 'Fashion Designer (Styliste-Crèateur/trice)’ Fashion Styling course – ‘Responsable de la communication et de l’image de mode’, Fashion Business course – ‘Responsable de la stratégie marketing et commerciale de mode’ As recognised vocational training, level II RNCP (level 6 - EU) corresponds to the competences of a bachelor degree with participants obtaining 180 ECTS credits upon successful completion. RNCP is acknowledged by the CNCP Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle (National Commission for Vocational Certification) and registered as a Professional Certificate published in the JORF (Official Journal of the French Republic). For further details please do not hesitate to contact the information office at The Paris School. ** Participants who successfully complete the programmes taught in English in Paris and London will be awarded with a BA (Hons) Degree by Manchester Metropolitan University-UK; BA (Hons) Degree (sandwich) is a four-year course which includes a 36-week placement. 120 credits points are available each year of study in order to gain an honours degree, obtaining 360 credits upon successful completion of the three year course. Participants on the four-year sandwich course will receive 120 practice credits for the additional year. All candidates should meet specific entry requirements (please check for international equivalents); for further details please do not hesitate to contact the information office at the chosen school.

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