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The Course

Fashion, Art & Textile Innovation

Innovate in textiles and materials. Interdisciplinary program sharpens skills for careers in research, design, and development. Explore sustainability, unlock potential
Master's Degrees · Master's Courses · Master of Arts

The Master in Fashion, Art and Textile Innovation is conceived for highly creative professionals operating in the field of fashion and art. This exciting programme supports the development of creative practice through a project proposal and ongoing evaluation. The course is aimed at continuously exploring key ideas and critical issues by involving a wide range of specialists in the field, interdisciplinary practice, institutional networks, dynamic teaching and exhibition opportunities.


This programme is created around interdisciplinary experimental projects and an innovative approach in the textiles and materials areas. This training equips participants with highly sought-after analytical skills, as well as practical transferrable problem-solving abilities, perfect for career progression in areas such as research, design, development and planning. Emphasis is placed on exploratory and versatile attitudes through theory and practical work. Students build their knowledge by being encouraged to unlock their potential, in order to innovate and develop, incorporating new technologies and sustainable approaches.

23 Sep 2024
Italian · English  - Fee
Enrollment Fee
Fee EU
Fee non EU



Participants who successfully complete this programme will be awarded with a Master Degree. Recognised by MUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)   participants will obtain 60 CFA (crediti formativi accademici) equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.

Programme Specification

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Workshops with remarkable industry links in different areas of textiles, materials and art labs will give participants a unique opportunity to experiment and develop new concepts in relation to materials and fabrics, together with production processes proposals. Kinetic Sculpture will enable students to experiment with movement in the physical world, applied to objects and materials in sculpture and installation. Virtual Realities, Fashion, Art, Technology and Performance extend the question in creating a fully immersive, multisensorial environment. Projects are addressed around these themes, but also other topics that emerge from class discussions and presentations.

  • Art and Fashion Design
  • Applied Technology and Innovative Textile Design
  • Experimental Construction
  • Intellectual Property
  • Innovative and Sustainable Production Processes
  • Creative Director
  • Fashion Textile Designer
  • Head of Innovation
  • Art Director
  • Garment Technologist
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