The Course

Fashion Buying & Merchandising

Semester courses · postgraduate

Transform your passion for fashion into buying and merchandising expertise, where visionary trends meet strategic insights to create market leaders


This comprehensive course is crafted to immerse participants in the sophisticated world of fashion buying and merchandising, providing them with the necessary skills and insights to stand out in the industry. You will explore the intricacies of market trends, develop innovative buying strategies, and master the art of visual merchandising.  

Thanks to the prestigious location and cultural richness, studying Fashion Buying and Merchandising in Istituto Marangoni Firenze can add value to your study experience and enhance the career path due to the vibrant fashion scene, anchored by Pitti Immagine trade fairs, and the proximity to renowned production centers.

24 Feb 2025 - Italian · English - Fee

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Upon completing the Buying and Merchandising course, participants will learn to:

  • Understand Market trends: analyze and forecast fashion trends to make informed buying decisions that align with consumer preferences
  • Develop Buying strategies: create effective buying plans that balance creativity, consumer demand, and financial considerations
  • Manage inventory: implement efficient inventory management techniques to optimize stock levels and minimize costs
  • Enhance Merchandising skills: design and execute compelling merchandising strategies that enhance product visibility and drive sales
  • Implement Visual Merchandising: create impactful visual merchandising and virtual displays that attract and engage customers, enhancing their shopping experience


  • Fashion Buyer: buyers are responsible for selecting and purchasing merchandise from suppliers or manufacturers. They analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and sales data to make informed decisions about which products to buy and in what quantities.
  • Fashion Merchandiser: merchandisers work closely with buyers and are responsible for planning and managing the product assortment for retail stores or online platforms. They analyze sales data and market trends to determine which products to display and promote. They also oversee inventory levels, pricing strategies, and promotional activities to drive profitability.
  • Retail Merchandise Planner: focus on optimizing inventory levels and allocation to maximize sales and minimize stock-outs. They analyze sales forecasts, historical data, and market trends to create merchandise plans that balance demand with inventory levels across different stores or regions.
  • Visual Merchandiser: create visually appealing displays and layouts to showcase merchandise in retail stores and showrooms. They use their creativity and knowledge of consumer behavior to design displays that attract customers, highlight product features, and enhance the overall shopping experience.
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