Product communication / Social entrerprise / Entrepreuneurship / Digital marketing / Fashion Styling

Founder and CEO of the Fashion and Lifestyle blog "FraPassion", Francesca Pasquale has a Bachelor degree in Economics and Management from Bocconi University and also a Master degree in Fashion Product Management from Marangoni Fashion School in Milan.
Always passionate about art and devoted to scientific studies (lover of mathematics), since she was a child, she won several awards including "Word and Images" (May 2004), an Award in Communications and Graphic Arts of Assolombarda (Lombardy's Entrepreneurial Association), and "Brilliant Minds" (January 2010) from the Region of Lombardy (best 100 students across Lombardy's High Schools for her results in her studies).
In 2016, she created everything on her blog herself from the website to the logo. Starting with a few collaborations, she has now reached thousands of partnerships across the Luxury industry players. She offers marketing services, style and material consultations to clients with the aim to increase visibility of their products or services and enter new market segments.
In June 2018, she enrolled in a Master at Istituto Marangoni in Fashion Product Management which gave her the opportunity to study and understand the world of fashion in a professional way, successfully achieved with honors.
Collaborations with important fashion houses made her realize how perfect she was for this job.
After completing her master's studies, she worked as Assistant Product Manager in the accessories department for ETRO (undisputed passion) and later as a Creation Account at MONCLER in the Marketing and Communication department.
Studying at Marangoni gave her the right preparation to face a competitive market such as that of Luxury, where the right skills and a strong passion can be distinctive elements.
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